Ncov 2019 Data Map
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2019-nCov outbreak data
Script to extract latest 2019-nCov outbreak data from Manually updated (2020-03-15)
Date source:
pneumonia <- read_html("")
AreaStat <- pneumonia %>% html_nodes("#getAreaStat") %>% html_text() %>%
str_replace("try \\{ window.getAreaStat =", "") %>%
str_replace("\\}catch\\(e\\)\\{\\}", "") %>%
fromJSON %>%
rename(confirmedCount_sum = confirmedCount,
suspectedCount_sum = suspectedCount,
curedCount_sum = curedCount,
deadCount_sum = deadCount,
locationId_s = locationId) %>%
unnest(cities, keep_empty = T, names_repair = "unique")
ChinaStat <- pneumonia %>% html_nodes("#getListByCountryTypeService1") %>% html_text() %>%
str_replace("try \\{ window.getListByCountryTypeService1 =", "") %>%
str_replace("\\}catch\\(e\\)\\{\\}", "") %>%
## Error: lexical error: invalid char in json text.
## NA
## (right here) ------^
IntStat <- pneumonia %>% html_nodes("#getListByCountryTypeService2") %>% html_text() %>%
str_replace("try \\{ window.getListByCountryTypeService2 =", "") %>%
str_replace("\\}catch\\(e\\)\\{\\}", "") %>%
## Error: lexical error: invalid char in json text.
## NA
## (right here) ------^
SumStat <- pneumonia %>% html_nodes("#getStatisticsService") %>% html_text() %>%
str_replace("try \\{ window.getStatisticsService =", "") %>%
str_replace("\\}catch\\(e\\)\\{\\}", "") %>%
write_csv(AreaStat, paste0("data/AreaStat_dxy_", gsub("[ :]", "_", Sys.time()), ".csv"))
write_csv(ChinaStat, paste0("data/ChinaStat_dxy_", gsub("[ :]", "_", Sys.time()), ".csv"))
## Error in object 'ChinaStat' not found
write_csv(IntStat, paste0("data/IntStat_dxy_", gsub("[ :]", "_", Sys.time()), ".csv"))
## Error in object 'IntStat' not found
Epidemic report for China
## Error in head(ChinaStat): object 'ChinaStat' not found
Epidemic report for outside of China
## Error in head(IntStat): object 'IntStat' not found
Epidemic map by leaflet
pn <- read_csv("data/province_name.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## provinceName = col_character(),
## province = col_character()
## )
ChinaStat <- ChinaStat %>% left_join(pn, by = "provinceName")
## Error in eval(lhs, parent, parent): object 'ChinaStat' not found
map <- leafletGeo("china", ChinaStat, namevar = ~provinceName, valuevar = ~confirmedCount)
## Error in leafletGeo("china", ChinaStat, namevar = ~provinceName, valuevar = ~confirmedCount): object 'ChinaStat' not found
ChinaStat$provinceName[ChinaStat$provinceName==c("香港")] <- c("香港特别行政区")
## Error in ChinaStat$provinceName[ChinaStat$provinceName == c("香港")] <- c("香港特别行政区"): object 'ChinaStat' not found
ChinaStat$provinceName[ChinaStat$provinceName==c("澳门")] <- c("澳门特别行政区")
## Error in ChinaStat$provinceName[ChinaStat$provinceName == c("澳门")] <- c("澳门特别行政区"): object 'ChinaStat' not found
ChinaStat$provinceName[ChinaStat$provinceName==c("台湾")] <- c("台湾省")
## Error in ChinaStat$provinceName[ChinaStat$provinceName == c("台湾")] <- c("台湾省"): object 'ChinaStat' not found
map@data <- map@data %>% left_join(ChinaStat, by = c("name" = "provinceName"))
## Error in eval(lhs, parent, parent): object 'map' not found
bins <- c(1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, Inf)
pal <- colorBin("YlOrRd", domain = map$value, bins = bins)
## Error in colorBin("YlOrRd", domain = map$value, bins = bins): object 'map' not found
labs <- mapply(function(n, x, y, z, h){
HTML(paste0(n, "<br>",
"confirmedCount: ", x, "<br>",
"curedCount: ", y, "<br>",
"deadCount: ", z, "<br>",
"updated: ", as.POSIXct(h / 1000, origin="1970-01-01")))
}, paste0(map$name, "(", map$province, ")"),
map$confirmedCount, map$curedCount, map$deadCount, map$modifyTime,
SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE) ## must no name
## Error in paste0(map$name, "(", map$province, ")"): object 'map' not found
ll <- leaflet(map) %>% addTiles() %>%
addPolygons(stroke = TRUE,
smoothFactor = 1,
fillOpacity = 0.7,
weight = 1,
fillColor = ~pal(value),
color = "white",
label = labs
) %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = ~value,
title = "confirmedCount") %>%
"Confirmed Count:", SumStat$confirmedCount, "<br>",
"Suspected Count", SumStat$suspectedCount, "<br>",
"Cured Count:", SumStat$curedCount, "<br>",
"Dead Count:", SumStat$deadCount, "<br>",
"Updated:", as.POSIXct(SumStat$modifyTime / 1000,
), fontSize = "12px",
leftPosition = 80)
## Error in structure(list(options = options), leafletData = data): object 'map' not found
saveWidget(ll, "nCoV2019.html")
## Error in resolveSizing(x, x$sizingPolicy, standalone = standalone, knitrOptions = knitrOptions): object 'll' not found
file.rename("nCoV2019.html", "widgets/nCoV2019.html")
## Warning in file.rename("nCoV2019.html", "widgets/nCoV2019.html"): cannot
## rename file 'nCoV2019.html' to 'widgets/nCoV2019.html', reason 'No such file or
## directory'
## [1] FALSE
cmap <- leafletGeo("city")
AS <- AreaStat %>% filter(!provinceName %in% c("北京市", "上海市", "天津市", "重庆市", "香港", "台湾", "澳门"))
AS$cityName[which(AS$cityName == "神农架林区")] <- "神农架"
AS$cityName[which(AS$cityName == "恩施州")] <- "恩施"
AS$cityName[which(AS$cityName == "湘西自治州")] <- "湘西"
AS$cityName[which(AS$cityName == "黔南州")] <- "黔南"
AS$cityName[which(AS$cityName == "黔东南州")] <- "黔东南"
AS$cityName[which(AS$cityName == "黔西南州")] <- "黔西南"
cmap@data <- cmap@data %>% left_join(na.omit(AS), by = c("name" = "cityName"))
cmap@data[] <- 0
idx1 <- match(c("confirmedCount", "suspectedCount", "curedCount", "deadCount"), colnames(cmap@data))
idx2 <- match(c("confirmedCount", "suspectedCount", "curedCount", "deadCount"), colnames(ChinaStat))
## Error in object 'ChinaStat' not found
cmap@data[cmap@data$name=="北京", idx1] <- ChinaStat[ChinaStat$provinceShortName=="北京", idx2]
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'ChinaStat' not found
cmap@data[cmap@data$name=="上海", idx1] <- ChinaStat[ChinaStat$provinceShortName=="上海", idx2]
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'ChinaStat' not found
cmap@data[cmap@data$name=="天津", idx1] <- ChinaStat[ChinaStat$provinceShortName=="天津", idx2]
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'ChinaStat' not found
cmap@data[cmap@data$name=="重庆", idx1] <- ChinaStat[ChinaStat$provinceShortName=="重庆", idx2]
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'ChinaStat' not found
cmap@data[cmap@data$name=="香港", idx1] <- ChinaStat[ChinaStat$provinceShortName=="香港", idx2]
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'ChinaStat' not found
cmap@data[cmap@data$name=="澳门", idx1] <- ChinaStat[ChinaStat$provinceShortName=="澳门", idx2]
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'ChinaStat' not found
clabs <- mapply(function(n, x, y, z, h){
HTML(paste0(n, "<br>",
"confirmedCount: ", x, "<br>",
"curedCount: ", y, "<br>",
"deadCount: ", z, "<br>"))
}, cmap$name, cmap$confirmedCount, cmap$curedCount, cmap$deadCount,
SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE) ## must no name
llc <- leaflet(cmap) %>% addTiles() %>%
addPolygons(stroke = TRUE,
smoothFactor = 1,
fillOpacity = 0.7,
weight = 1,
fillColor = ~pal(confirmedCount),
color = "white",
label = clabs
) %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = ~confirmedCount,
title = "confirmedCount") %>%
addTitle(paste("2019-nCoV (mainland cities)<br>",
"Confirmed Count:", SumStat$confirmedCount, "<br>",
"Suspected Count", SumStat$suspectedCount, "<br>",
"Cured Count:", SumStat$curedCount, "<br>",
"Dead Count:", SumStat$deadCount, "<br>"),
fontSize = "12px",
leftPosition = 80)
## Error in pal(confirmedCount): could not find function "pal"
saveWidget(llc, "nCoV2019_cities.html")
## Error in resolveSizing(x, x$sizingPolicy, standalone = standalone, knitrOptions = knitrOptions): object 'llc' not found
file.rename("nCoV2019_cities.html", "widgets/nCoV2019_cities.html")
## Warning in file.rename("nCoV2019_cities.html", "widgets/nCoV2019_cities.html"):
## cannot rename file 'nCoV2019_cities.html' to 'widgets/nCoV2019_cities.html',
## reason 'No such file or directory'
## [1] FALSE
More links:
More detailed maps from Johns Hopkins:
WHO situation reports:
github wuhan2020 project:
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