Knit Vuepress
How to fix the figure paths generated by Rmarkdown?
By default, the knitr::knit
function will generate plots in the current “figure” directory and set relative path “figure/plot.png” to the markdown file. For example:
![plot of chunk cowplot12.3](figure/cowplot12.3-1.png)
However, the vuepress build
ignores the figure folder.
Here is how to fix it:
First, to set option “base.url” by opts_knit
, then compile the Rmarkdown file.
opts_knit$set(base.url = "/")
The plot path will be “/assets/figure/plot.png”.
Second, copy the “figure” folder to “.vuepress/dist” after the pages built.
vuepress build takehomessage --temp takehomessage/.temp
rsync -av takehomessage/_posts/figure takehomessage/.vuepress/dist/
The figures should be good to display.
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